Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy (GPHAP)


Breaking the boundaries of conventional thinking about health care


GPHAP trains students to be leaders in a rapidly transforming health care field, which demands interdisciplinary thinkers who work effectively in diverse teams to create models that operate across medicine, social services, community, private markets, and government programs and regulatory policy.




An Interdisciplinary Approach

The next generation of health care leaders will require not only a diverse skill set and an entrepreneurial spirit, but deep interdisciplinary training in health care systems and health equity.  GPHAP draws students out of the silos of their graduate school disciplines to connect and blend their expertise to solve the complex health care problems of our time. Schools participating in GPHAP are the Booth School of Business, Harris School of Public Policy, Law School, Pritzker School of Medicine, and the Crown  Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice. In recent years, Divinity School students also have been
participating in GPHAP.

GPHAP Erikson and Quern Fellows, 2014

2016 QUERN Fellows

QUERN supports independent summer projects by first-year GPHAP students.

Work With Patients

The hotspotting program brings together students and real-life patients by assigning clinical mentors from the Comprehensive Care Program.

GPHAP Brochure

download GPHAP brochure