GPHAP Courses
Course Listings: Requirements & Electives
GPHAP Students have access to a range of courses at University of Chicago. The various schools offer a multitude of elective courses that will fit in with students’ individual interests and perspectives. Students must abide by the electives guidelines of their programs, but in many cases students are able to take courses across schools and programs. Find a list of offerings below.
Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
- U.S. Health System and Policy, SSAD 47522, PPHA 37520 – Required for 1st Year US Track GPHAP Students
- Global Development and Social Welfare, SSAD 62912, PPHA 32760 – Required for 1st year Global Health Track GPHAP Students
- Key Issues in Health Care: An Interdisciplinary Case Studies Approach, SSAD 46622, PPHA 37302 – Required for all 2nd Year GPHAP Students
Innovations in Healthcare Practice: Meeting Clinical, Health Equity, and Ethical Challenges, SSAD 69250
Biology and Sociology of AIDS, SSAD 65100
- Health and Aging Policy, SSAD 49032
- The Social Meaning of Race, SSAD 61400
- Food Insecurity and Food Policy, SSAD 40550
- Human Rights: Migrant, Refugee, Citizen, SSAD 44701
- Strategic Management: External Factors, SSAD 47300
- Leadership Specialties: Nonprofit Board Governance and Fundraising Practices, SSAD 69255
- Policy Analysis: Methods and Application, SSAD 45600
- Current Topics in Long Term Care and Aging, SSAD 65212
Dying, Death & End of Life Care, SSAD 49332
- Social Work in Healthcare: The Rapidly Changing Landscape, SSAD 43722
- Sexuality Across the Lifecycle, SSAD 44401
- Supervision and Management in Social Work Organizations, SSAD 45922
- Social Work’s Role in Ending the Domestic HIV Epidemic, SSAD 43012
- Quality Monitoring & Improvement for the Social Services, SSAD 64600
- Innovations in Data Use & the Development of Practice Communities to Drive Continuous Improvement, SSAD47922
Human Rights and Social Work: Opportunities for Policy and Practice, SSAD 47812, HMRT 47812
- Harm Reduction at the Intersection of Policy, Program & Clinical Practice, SSAD 65500
- Global Mental Health, SSAD 41412
- Perspectives on Aging, SSAD 61212
Harris School of Public Policy
- Health Economics and Public Policy, PPHA 38300
- Health Law & Policy, PPHA 37300, MEDC 79000
- Medicaid: Understanding the Public Policy of a Federal-State, PPHA 37710
- International Climate Policy, PPHA 39930
Health Impacts of Transportation Systems, PPHA 41020
- Economics and International Health, PPHA
- Economic Analysis of Health Policies, PPHA 38290
- Health Care Markets and Regulation, PPHA 37820
- Machine Learning in Medicine, CMSC
- Health Policy Lab, PPHA 60000
- Health Services Research Methods, PPHA 38010, SSAD 46300
Booth School of Business
Healthcare Business Analytics, BUSN 40206
- Healthcare Analytics Lab, BUSN 40721
- Health Economics, BUSN 33350
- Global Health and Social Policy, BUSN 42300
- Managing Service Operations, BUSN 40110
- Healthcare Operations, BUSN 40905/50
- Life Sciences: Innovation and Finance, BUSN
- Healthcare Data for Researchers, BUSN
The following courses count as a GPHAP Health Elective if the student works on health care cases:
- New Venture Strategy, BUSN 34102
- Building the New Venture, BUSN 34103
- Special Topics in Entrepreneurship: Developing a New Venture, BUSN 34104
- Entrepreneurial Selling, BUSN 34111
- Social Enterprise Lab, BUSN 34110
- Global Social Impact Practicum I, BUSN 34725
- Commercializing Innovation: Tools to Research and Analyze Private Enterprises, BUSN 34106
- Lab to Launch, BUSN 34709
The Law School
- Food and Drug Law and Policy, LAWS 43259, PPHA 39510
- Reproductive Health and Justice, LAWS 53131
- Mental Health Advocacy Clinic, LAWS 90213
Human Rights: Contemporary Issues, LAWS 97118, HMRT 31001
- International Human Rights Clinic, LAWS 43262
- Human Rights: Philosophical Foundations, LAWS 97119
- International Human Rights Clinic, LAWS 90225
- International Human Rights, LAWS 43262
- Law and the Mental Health System, LAWS 47001/01
- Health Care Policy, LAWS 43346
- Race and the Law, LAWS 48214
- Food Law, LAWS 53308
- Bioethics, LAWS 97122
- Racism, Law and Social Sciences, LAWS 54303 and Anthropology 55502
Pritzker School of Medicine
- Global Public Health, MEDC 30009
- Scholarship & Discovery: Community Health, MEDC 30116
Scholarship & Discovery: Health Care Delivery Sciences, MEDC 30114
Overview of Medical Informatics, MEDC 60316
Ethical Issues In Health Care, MEDC 60200
Invitation to Medical History, MEDC 61016
- Reading Elective in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, MEDC 48000/22
- Advanced Medical Ethics, MEDC 59506
- Choosing Wisely: Teaching Value, MEDC 30118
Divinity School
- Religion, Medicine, and Ethics, RETH 45102
Human Rights
- Health and Human Rights, HMRT 31400, MEDC 60405
Public Health Sciences
- Introduction to U.S. Health Policy and Politics, PBHS 35500, SSAD 45011, PPHA 37720
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Networks and Modeling, PBHS 31300
- Epidemiology and Population Health, PBHS 30910
- Critical Readings in Epidemiology, PBHS 31510
- Introduction to Health Economics, PBHS 38010
- Advanced Topics in Health Economics, PBHS 38400
- Foundations of Public Health, PBHS 34100
- Foundational Public Health Knowledge, PBHS 34300
- Health Communication and Health Behavior Theory, PBHS 34200
- Advanced Topics in Ethics for Public Health Sciences, PBHS 40100
- Health Services Research Methods, PBHS 35100, PPHA 38010, SSAD 46300
- Epidemiologic Methods, PBHS 31001
- Cancer Epidemiology, PBHS 31200
- Biostatistical Methods, PBHS 32700
- Social Inequalities in Health: Race/Ethnicity and Class, PBHS 31450
- Genetic & Molecular Epidemiology, PBHS 31831
- Global Health Metrics, PBHS 31900
- Analysis of Categorical Data, PBHS 32600
- Introduction to Clinical Trials, PBHS 32901
- Introduction to Causal Inference, PBHS 43201
- Culture, Mental Health, and Psychiatry, ANTH 35115
Disability, Dependency, and the Good Life, ANTH 45120
- Violence, Trauma, Repair, ANTH 52510
Biomedical Informatics
- Introduction to Biomedical Informatics, MSBI 31100
Ethics and Policy Questions: Genomics, Health Care, and Big Data, MSBI 31500
- Topics in Healthcare Delivery Science, MSBI 33400
- Geographic Information Systems and Health Information, MSBI 32600
- Population Health Informatics, MSBI 33100
Comparative Human Development
- Gender, Health and Medicine, CHDV 44214, PBHS 31414
- The Anthropology of Disability, CHDV 45401
Social Sciences
- Medical Sociology, SOCI 50108
Center on Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
- Introduction to Global Health, CCTS 43000
- Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries, CCTS 41008
- Topics in Global Health, CCTS
- Fundamentals in Quality and Patient Safety, CCTS 46001
- Health Disparities in Breast Cancer, CCTS 40400
- Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics for Biomedicine, CCTS 40500
- Pharmacogenomics: Discovery and Implementation, CCTS
Advanced Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Training Program, CCTS 47001
- Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Networks and Modeling, CCTS 43200
- Topics in Clinical Research, CCTS 21003
- Methods in Health and Biomedical Informatics I and II, CCTS 47005 and CCTS 47006
- Discourse of Islamic Bioethics, CCTS
Christian Theological Perspectives on Medicine, Health and Human Flourishing, CCTS
The Committee on Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) is a freestanding academic unit housed within the Biological Sciences Division.
Note: Not every course is offered each year. The individual schools/units have discretion over the course offerings.