
The admissions objective of the Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy is to identify and recruit well qualified candidates who are committed to pursuing careers in health care or health-related fields; and to foster a well-balanced, interdisciplinary GPHAP student body.

Application Requirements

  1. Completed application,
  2. Resume or curriculum vita, and
  3. Personal statement, 2-3 pages in length, describing: a) past experience in the health care field, b) areas of interest in health care, including future goals, and c) how GPHAP will help the applicant to achieve his or her goals.

GPHAP made me more aware of a different mode of thinking. It gave me a broader perspective.

—Alumnus, Harris

To see the GPHAP brochure, click here.

To apply to GPHAP, click here. Pritzker Students apply to GPHAP here.